15 de fev. de 20221 minClara Rodrigues - MSc ThesisMSc thesis on Acoustics and Behaviour of azorean dolphins. Student from ISPA (Istituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada) collaborated with...
15 de fev. de 20221 minFilipa Medina - MSc ThesisBSc internship on Field Methods for pelagic sampling. Student from University of the Algarve, collaborates with the Atlantic Naturalist...
15 de fev. de 20221 minAndreia Pereira - BSc Thesis BSc internship was focused on the First Live Stranding of an Harp seal (Pagophylus groenlandicus) in the Azores: behavioral notes and...
15 de fev. de 20221 minMai-Britt, MSc thesisMai-Britt Auslander spent 4 months working on various aspects regarding "Coastal floating marine litter in the Azores" for her MSc thesis
15 de fev. de 20221 minJoão Miguel, MSc student | University of the AzoresJoão Miguel is a young researcher from the University of Algarve and Aveiro doing his Masters in Okeanus, University of the Azores in...