We have been following the Portuguese Man-o'war since 2012 in the Azores.

Summary: This colonial invertebrate is widespread in the Azores, an occasional presence in the European coasts. It has unknown ecological importance and patterns of occurrence. It further presents a risk to human health, as a dangerous species, whose knowledge is urgently needed.
Objectives: Contribute to the knowledge on the ecology of P. physalis in the central Atlantic
Methods & Data: Transects with visual counts during boat tours (whale watching, birdwatching, coastal tours), Stranding occurrences since 2012, satellite environmental information.
Publications: “Gone with the wind”: Fatty acid biomarkers and chemotaxonomy of stranded pleustonic hydrozoans (Velella velella and Physalia physalis). AR Lopes, M Baptista, IC Rosa, G Dionísio, J. Gomes-Pereira, J. Paula, C. Figueiredo, N. Bandarra, R Calado, R Rosa 2016. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 66: 297-306. Download
Partners: MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre; University of the Azores. University of Lisbon
